
instance.delete() not work as expected

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I am working on a API of deleting a single resource named product.

DELETE /products/1

Part of the code is

async def delete_product(row_id: str):
    product = await Product.objects().where(Product.id == row_id)
    await product.delete()

It don't work and raise a exception remind me added where clause

raise DeletionError(
                "Do you really want to delete all the data from "
                f"{classname}? If so, use {classname}.delete(force=True). "
                "Otherwise, add a where clause."

@JoshYuJump You have 2 ways to delete a record.

  1. As a query builder with delete method
async def delete_product(row_id: str):
    await Product.delete().where(Product.id == row_id)
  1. As an ORM with objects
async def delete_product(row_id: str):
    product = await Product.objects().where(Product.id == row_id).first()
    # you can also use get() method like this to get single object
    # product = await Product.objects().get(Product.id == row_id)
    await product.remove() # a proxy to a delete query

Hope that helps.

@sinisaos Thanks a lot, It was so helpful to me.