
Transferring Issues

Npraveenreddy opened this issue · 3 comments

import Settings from './src/settings';

export default {
gitlab: {
url: 'https://gitlab.com',
token: 'gdddddddddddddddd',
projectId: 222222,
sessionCookie: 'null',
github: {
baseUrl: 'https://api.github.com',
apiUrl: 'https://api.github.com',
owner: 'ssssssssssssssssss',
token: 'ssssssssssssss',
token_owner: 'Npraveenreddy',
repo: 'gitlab1',
recreateRepo: false,
usermap: {
'my_gitlab_username.gitlab.1': 'my_github_username.github.1', -----------------------------------> correct me this
projectmap: {
'gitlabgroup/projectname.gitlab_project_name': 'GitHubOrg/projectname.github_project_name', ------------------------> correct me this
conversion: {
useLowerCaseLabels: true,
transfer: {
description: false,
milestones: false,
labels: false,
issues: true,
mergeRequests: false,
releases: false,
debug: true,
useIssueImportAPI: true,
usePlaceholderMilestonesForMissingMilestones: true,
usePlaceholderIssuesForMissingIssues: true,
useReplacementIssuesForCreationFails: true,
useIssuesForAllMergeRequests: false,
filterByLabel: null,
skipMergeRequestStates: [],
skipMatchingComments: [],
mergeRequests: {
logFile: './merge-requests.json',
log: true,
} as Settings;

Transferring Issues

Transferring 0 issues.
DONE creating issues.

    Total nr. of issues: 0
    Nr. of used placeholder issues: 0
    Nr. of used replacement issues: 0
    Nr. of issue migration fails: 0

Transfer complete!

I am getting similar results but my original repo on gitlab has 1 issue

HI @catarinawor how can i contact you?

lehien commented

I had same issue but with very old version of gitlab ce (8.7) in a self managed host. Others were transfered except issue, no error occurred! With gitlab.com, everything worked well.