
HTML and DHTML report does not include results for scenario outlines from SpecRun

AndyLPK247 opened this issue · 12 comments

I followed all instructions here:

However, results are not posted for scenario outlines in the DHTML report:

Note that each value in the first column is unique.

The HTML report also included the warning icon instead of a passing one for rows in the examples table:

Thanks for reporting this! Would it be possible for you to provide the Login feature file and the test result file? That would help me to debug.

Which version of Pickles are you using, and which version of SpecRun?

Pickles 2.19.0
SpecFlow 2.4.0
SpecRun.Runner 1.8.2

I will release version 2.20.1 soon. When I do, please try gain with that version. There are some relevant changes.

Okay, thanks! I'll wait and retry. If the problem persists, I'll share files. (I'll need to create an example project to reproduce the problem effectively.)

I released version 2.20.1, could you please try that version?

Thanks for the update, @dirkrombauts.

I attempted to use version 2.20.1, but the problem is not fully fixed. I made an example SpecFlow project with some passing and some failing tests:

Here's the HTML report from the SpecRun report:

And here's the DHTML report:

Here's the feature file:

Feature: Pickle

Scenario: A
	Given A

Scenario Outline: B
	Given some "<thing>"

	Examples: Things
		| thing |
		| 1     |
		| 2     |
		| 3     |

Any update?

Sorry, not yet.

It's been an amazing time for me to work on Pickles. Now it's finally time for me to lay down the mantle and move on. I am leaving Pickles completely.

I am closing this issue, so that the next maintainer of this repository can start from a clean slate.

Do you want to take over active development and maintenance at Pickles? Contact me directly at dirk dot rombauts at picklesdoc dot com. I will hand over everything Pickles-related to you. This email address will remain active until 11 December 2020.