
"dotnet tool install --global Pickles.CommandLine --version 4.0.1" throws error "Settings file 'DotnetToolSettings.xml' was not found in the package"

gjveron opened this issue · 1 comments


Cannot install Pickles.CommandLine as a global tool on Windows 10 Pro 21H2
The installation documentation used was: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Pickles.CommandLine


  • Open a Powershell windows with admin privileges
  • Run the command "dotnet tool install --global Pickles.CommandLine --version 4.0.1"

Expected results:

  • The command run successfully, and pickles doc is available as a dotnet tool

Current Results:

  • Failure with message
PS C:\Windows\system32>  dotnet tool install --global Pickles.CommandLine --version 4.0.1
The settings file in the tool's NuGet package is invalid: Settings file 'DotnetToolSettings.xml' was not found in the package.
Tool 'pickles.commandline' failed to install. Contact the tool author for assistance.

Documentation describing "DotnetToolsSettings.xml":

Example tool where install command is working ok

Duplicated from #632