
Error when specifying xunit results file

ColinWaddell opened this issue · 0 comments


I'm attempting to use Pickles to generate documentation based on my feature files and the xml results outputted by Ceedling, which is in xUnit format.

I see the following when running pickles:

pickles -f=/home/mrcolin/ccs_workspace_v11/project-name/requirements/features -o=/home/mrcolin/ccs_workspace_v11/project-name/requirements/docs --lr=/home/mrcolin/ccs_workspace_v11/project-name/build/artifacts/test/report.xml --trfmt=xunit --sn=SpaceForgeAvionics --sv=EQM --df=html 

Pickles v.
Generating documentation based on the following parameters 
Feature Directory              : /home/mrcolin/ccs_workspace_v11/project-name/requirements/features 
Output Directory               : /home/mrcolin/ccs_workspace_v11/project-name/requirements/docs 
Project Name                   : ProjectName 
Project Version                : v1 
Language                       : en 
Incorporate Test Results?      : Yes 
Include Experimental Features? : No 
Exclude Tag                    :  
Technical Tag                  :  
Test Result Format             : XUnit 
Test Result File               : /home/mrcolin/ccs_workspace_v11/project-name/build/artifacts/test/report.xml 
Pickles did not complete successfully Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Here's the contents of the feature file:

Feature: Serial interface for interfacing with flight avionics

    Scenario: User sends valid command
        Given a stable communications channel
        When a valid command is sent
        Then the device will return a valid message

    Scenario: User sends a command with a bad CRC
        Given a stable communications channel
        When a command with a bad CRC is sent
        Then the device will report an RESPONSE_INVALID_CHECKSUM message

    Scenario: User sends a command with more data than specified in length field
        Given a stable communications channel
        When a user sends a command which is longer than the data length field
        Then the device will respond with an RESPONSE_COMMAND_INCORRECT message

    Scenario: User starts sending a command but doesn't complete transmitting
        Given a stable communications channel
        When a user starts sending a command
        But stops sending before full command is sent
        Then device will respond with a RESPONSE_COMMAND_TIMEOUT
        And device will return to a state where a new command can be recieved

And here's the contents of the report.xml:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
		<Test id="1">
			<Message>Expression Evaluated To FALSE</Message>
		<Test id="2">

A separate question I'm happy to make another issue for, but might as well ask here, is: how do I get the name of tests to align with the feature/scenario I'm testing against?

Many thanks!