
Excudes Tags do not works?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I update to the newest version,and add “censored,mosaic_censoring,blur_censor,monochrome,uncensored,” to Settings tab->Tagger->Excudes (split by comma). But it do not works.
It is a bug?


Actually, the Settings tab->Tagger->Excudes is not something I use very often, or changed that much; I thought it was to list cases where the underscore should not mean the same as a space (I agree the label could be better if that is the case). I could be wrong, and please let me know if I am.

What I generally use is the excludes tag - bottom right - on the tagger tab. Isn't that what you were looking for? That does work as intended.

Settings tab->Tagger->Excudes do not works whith any tags,but “excludes tag - bottom right - on the tagger tab” works well.I think it is a bug.

If it is just for a different purpose than you assumed, then it is not necessarily bug. This worked similar in Toriato's branch. I'll make the label a little more clear, but that's about what I can do here.