Hi! I'm your bot friend which will help you in these tough times. I have some predefined tasks and functions which will help you find vaccine in your locality, Leads for beds, oxygen and much more.
To get started save +14155238886 and send the message join hold-uncle in the exact same format or click here
Here is a list of tasks I can do:
I can help you find verified leads from twitter just by sending a whatsapp message to do so send a message in the format given below
covidhelp <city> <requirement>
For eg. to get info about beds in Delhi send message covidhelp delhi beds
I can tell you if vaccine is available in your district or not, if yes when and where, also how many districts are allowing vaccination for your age (18+ or 45+)
covidvaccine drive
To get list of states with their code
covidvaccine state <State_Code>
To get list of districts with active vaccination drive and their district codes
covidvaccine <pincode> or covidvaccine <district-code>
To check slot availability
covidnews coronavirus
To get the latest news from inshort straight into your whatsapp
covidinfo or covidinfo <statename>
To get the recent statistics of COVID19
- Message Database
- Covid Vaccine Info
- List of emergency contacts
- Covid Statistics
- Covid News