
Proof of concept for Whatsapp-IOT interface

Primary LanguagePython


Proof of concept for Whatsapp-IOT interface


Phase 1

  • Connect ESP8266 to Firebase
  • Connect Server to Firebase
  • Connect Server to Whatsapp
  • Test Whatsapp-Firebase connection

Vendor registration would be through arudino no need for a portal as of now Need to figure out how to get nearby vendors, whether to use realtime database or not Maybe running sql queries on latitude and longitude or what?

Google distance matrix api

Sharing a google map url? or sharing location over whatsapp? Google map url will have the location of vendors updated timely

use numpy to perform calculations


  1. pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. ngrok http 4000 whatsapp-iot

gcloud services enable --project "whatsapp-iot" "static-maps-backend.googleapis.com" gcloud services list --project "whatsapp-iot"

gcloud alpha services api-keys create --project "whatsapp-iot" --display-name "WHATSAPP_GOOGLE"


  1. python server.py
  2. ngrok http 4000
  3. Register on ngrok website
  4. get the ngrok code from there and set it
  5. update ngrok link on heroku
  6. Enjoy