
Auto-Download or Auto-print label after creation

Teyk0o opened this issue · 9 comments

Hi !
When i would like to echo all parcels this error appear :

The code :


use Picqer\Carriers\SendCloud\Connection;
use Picqer\Carriers\SendCloud\SendCloud;

require_once ".././vendor/autoload.php";

$connection = new Connection("apiKeyHideForGithub", "apiKeyHideForGithub");
$sendCloudClient = new SendCloud($connection);

$parcels = $sendCloudClient->parcels()->all();
echo $parcels;

The line number 12 is the echo.

Last note : How to automatically download the label ?

if ($parcel->save()) {
    $labelUrl = $parcel->getPrimaryLabelUrl();

    $documentDownloader = new DocumentDownloader($connection);
    $labelContents = $documentDownloader->getDocument($labelUrl, 'pdf');

I take this, my label pass in "Printed" but he was not downloaded.

Hi @Teyk0o you can do it this way:


$labelUrl = $this->Parcel->getPrimaryLabelUrl();

$documentDownloader = new DocumentDownloader($connection);
$labelContents = $documentDownloader->getDocument($labelUrl, 'pdf');

return $this->response

Hi @magic-77 ! Thanks a lot for your response, i will test this now and i comeback to tell you if that work 👍🏻

@magic-77 i have an error with this code :


use Picqer\Carriers\SendCloud\Connection;
use Picqer\Carriers\SendCloud\DocumentDownloader;
use Picqer\Carriers\SendCloud\Parcel;
use Picqer\Carriers\SendCloud\SendCloud;

require_once ".././vendor/autoload.php";

class shipping

    function createCommand(Parcel $parcel) {
        $connexion = new Connection('e8e27fdf8fb14d26b9d54b9b473bfbb7', '9b1605e6574943da960faac7069a5652');
        $labelUrl = $parcel->getPrimaryLabelUrl($connexion);
        $documentDownloader = new DocumentDownloader($connexion);
        $labelContents = $documentDownloader->getDocument($labelUrl, 'pdf');
        return $this->response
Warning: Undefined property: shipping::$response in C:\Users\Theov\Desktop\HerbaltiProject\php\shipping.php on line 19

I call this function here :


use Picqer\Carriers\SendCloud\Connection;
use Picqer\Carriers\SendCloud\DocumentDownloader;
use Picqer\Carriers\SendCloud\SendCloud;

include ".././php/shipping.php";

require_once ".././vendor/autoload.php";

$ship = new shipping();

$connection = new Connection('e8e27fdf8fb14d26b9d54b9b473bfbb7', '9b1605e6574943da960faac7069a5652');
$sendcloudClient = new SendCloud($connection);

$parcel = $sendcloudClient->parcels();

$parcel->shipment = 8; // Shipping method, get possibilities from $sendCloud->shippingMethods()->all()

$parcel->name = 'John Smith';
$parcel->company_name = 'ACME';
$parcel->address = 'Wellingtonstreet 25';
$parcel->city = 'Wellington';
$parcel->postal_code = '18100';
$parcel->country = 'FR';
$parcel->order_number = 'test2910-52321';

$parcel->requestShipment = true; // Specifically needed to create a shipment after adding the parcel


@Teyk0o ah sorry, i forgot to mention that my example is used within CakePHP.
If you don't use any Framework than it is necessary to set the required headers manually

you can try this (not checked)

header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="document.pdf"');
header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
header('Content-Length: '.strlen($labelContents));
 header('Pragma: public');

or you use Guzzle

Hi @magic-77 thanks a lot for your response !
That work, the pdf was automatically downloaded but is empty :

@Teyk0o ah sorry, i forgot to mention that my example is used within CakePHP. If you don't use any Framework than it is necessary to set the required headers manually

you can try this (not checked)

header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="document.pdf"');
header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
header('Content-Length: '.strlen($labelContents));
 header('Pragma: public');

or you use Guzzle https://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/stable/psr7.html#streams


use Picqer\Carriers\SendCloud\Connection;
use Picqer\Carriers\SendCloud\DocumentDownloader;
use Picqer\Carriers\SendCloud\SendCloud;

require_once ".././vendor/autoload.php";

$connection = new Connection('e8e27fdf8fb14d26b9d54b9b473bfbb7', '9b1605e6574943da960faac7069a5652');
$sendcloudClient = new SendCloud($connection);

$parcel = $sendcloudClient->parcels();

$parcel->shipment = 8; // Shipping method, get possibilities from $sendCloud->shippingMethods()->all()

$parcel->name = 'Théo';
$parcel->company_name = 'Herbalti';
$parcel->address = '32 rue Jean Moulin';
$parcel->city = 'Paris';
$parcel->postal_code = '42000';
$parcel->country = 'FR';
$parcel->order_number = 'testtheo-52321';

$parcel->requestShipment = true; // Specifically needed to create a shipment after adding the parcel

if ($parcel->save()) {
    $labelUrl = $parcel->getPrimaryLabelUrl();

    $documentDownloader = new DocumentDownloader($connection);
    $labelContents = $documentDownloader->getDocument($labelUrl, 'pdf');

    header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="document.pdf"');
    header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
    header('Content-Length: '.strlen($labelContents));
    header('Pragma: public');

Work but empty PDF


use Picqer\Carriers\SendCloud\Connection;
use Picqer\Carriers\SendCloud\DocumentDownloader;
use Picqer\Carriers\SendCloud\SendCloud;

require_once ".././vendor/autoload.php";

$connection = new Connection('e8e27fdf8fb14d26b9d54b9b473bfbb7', '9b1605e6574943da960faac7069a5652');
$sendcloudClient = new SendCloud($connection);

$parcel = $sendcloudClient->parcels();

$parcel->shipment = 8; // Shipping method, get possibilities from $sendCloud->shippingMethods()->all()

$parcel->name = 'Théo';
$parcel->company_name = 'Herbalti';
$parcel->address = '32 rue Jean Moulin';
$parcel->city = 'Vierzon';
$parcel->postal_code = '42000';
$parcel->country = 'FR';
$parcel->order_number = 'testtheo-52321';

$parcel->requestShipment = true; // Specifically needed to create a shipment after adding the parcel

if ($parcel->save()) {
    $labelUrl = $parcel->getPrimaryLabelUrl();

    $documentDownloader = new DocumentDownloader($connection);
    $labelContents = $documentDownloader->getDocument($labelUrl, 'pdf');

    $name = 'delivery_label_herbalti.pdf';
    header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
    header('Content-Length: '.strlen( $labelContents ));
    header('Content-disposition: inline; filename="' . $name . '"');
    header('Cache-Control: no-cache, max-age=0');
    header('Pragma: no-cache');
    echo $labelContents;

This code WORK ! With no framework :D