Artificer README ================== Getting Started --------------- 1. $VENV/bin/pip install -e . 2. $VENV/bin/initialize_artificer_db development.ini 3. $VENV/bin/pserve development.ini API Documentation ---------------- GET /api/artifacts - Returns index of all or filtered artifacts params: labels - list of labels to include supported_os - list of supported_os to include sources - list of source types to include authors - list of authors to include POST /api/artifacts - Returns id of artifact created from artifact_data params: artifact_data (ForensicArtifact in JSON format) GET /api/artifacts/{id} - Returns JSON of artifact with database {id} DELETE /api/artifacts/{id} - Deletes artifact with database {id} PUT /api/artifacts/{id} - Update artifact with database {id} with artifact_data params: artifact_data (ForensicArtifact in JSON format) GET /api/labels - Returns index of all artifacys by label GET /api/sources - Returns index of all artifacts by source types GET /api/supported_os - Returns index of all artifacts by supported_os PUT /api/import - Import artifacts from file. Returns JSON of ids of successful imports and names of failed imports params: replace(bool) - replace existing artifacts found in database artifact_file - file upload GET /api/export - Export artifacts in YAML format by ids params: id - list of database ids to export TODO --- * User Authentication * Authoring Control * Export Script * Import Script * UI for View/Edit