
Module not found

Closed this issue · 2 comments

As of 18DEC2020, it seems importing TPLinkDeviceManager cannot be done through tplink_cloud_api as stated in the documentation. I was able to resolve this issue by using from tplinkcloud import TPLinkDeviceManager instead.

Is this just an issue on my end?

As of 18DEC2020, it seems importing TPLinkDeviceManager cannot be done through tplink_cloud_api as stated in the documentation. I was able to resolve this issue by using from tplinkcloud import TPLinkDeviceManager instead.

Is this just an issue on my end?

It's possible the documentation is out of date. I expect your workaround is the correct solution. I will check and get back to you.

Great catch! It was definitely outdated documentation. Thank you for creating an issue to track it and get it resolved!

The fix is in this PR: #13