
Remote Url Not Downloading w/o extension

dehli opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello I am trying to download a video and show it. It doesn't have an extension but as you can see after downloading it, it is indeed a video file. Any idea why? Here's the sample url. http://files.parsetfss.com/575443fd-a4da-414e-9219-cc156a414acc/tfss-f40a8a6f-2ebc-427a-bba0-e421b7e7517d-file

hey @dehli i believe this is a requirement for AVURLAsset api. i can look into some work arounds, there was some discussion about it on stackoverflow and a radar filed too:


Thanks! I'll look into it. Thanks for such great libraries by the way!

thanks ✌️

Hello again! Is this issue related to why you can't initialize a PBJVideoPlayer with NSData?

Edit: Just wanted to let you know that this is very low priority. I think I have a solution that I'll push when I get some time to test it.