How to get current duration ? Thx for support
paneaktae opened this issue · 6 comments
Thx for support. :)
@paneaktae Are you asking for the current time of the player (ie. "3 seconds into 10 second video") or total duration of the video (ie "10 seconds")?
I could use access to both. Having access to AVPlayerItem's duration and AVPlayer's currentTime would be ideal to construct a progress bar or seeking actions.
@ataranlen I believe you can currently get those values by retrieving the AVPlayerItem
with videoPlayerController.view.player
, right?
You cannot, as both the player and playerItem aren't accessible outside the scope of the pod.
@ataranlen Yes, they are. This worked for me just now in a test project:
#import <PBJVideoPlayer/PBJVideoPlayer.h>
AVPlayer *player = [(PBJVideoView *)videoPlayerController.view player];
AVPlayerItem *playerItem = player.currentItem;
NSLog(@"duration: %@, currentTime: %@", CMTimeCopyDescription(NULL, playerItem.duration), CMTimeCopyDescription(NULL, playerItem.currentTime));
Ah wasn't thinking about casting it. @paneaktae You should be able to use the above to get the duration.