import limit is not set if peeringdb not found
budiwijaya opened this issue · 2 comments
budiwijaya commented
Using arouteserver version 1.14.0
When a client is not having a peeringdb record, the import limit will not be set.
My general.yaml config:
action: "shutdown"
restart_after: 5
general_limit_ipv4: 1000
general_limit_ipv6: 100
count_rejected_routes: false
enabled: true
Example one of the clients that did not have peeringdb record: AS136127
Config generated:
protocol bgp AS136127_1 {
description "xxxx";
local as xxxx;
neighbor 103.x.x.x as 136127;
rs client;
passive on;
ttl security off;
interpret communities off;
# ---------------------------------------
ipv4 {
table master4;
import table on;
import keep filtered on;
import filter receive_from_AS136127_1;
export filter announce_to_AS136127_1;
# ---------------------------------------
The documentation says, it should fallback to the value of general_limit_ipv4
pierky commented
Hello @budiwijaya, thanks for filing this issue.
I've just pushed a fix to a new branch, commit 14aec5f. The CI/CD pipeline is running now: if everything goes well, I'll promote it to master and a new release will be shipped hopefully in a few hours.
pierky commented
v1.14.1 is out, it should fix the issue.