New-line character missing on OpenBGPd template
stkonst opened this issue · 1 comments
stkonst commented
Hi @pierky
It seems that we are missing a new-line character at the OpenBGPd template, as the output that is generated for the functions is quite 'compact':
# Prefix: global blacklist
# Reject inbound routes when 'from group clients prefix-set global_black_list_pref' - reject code: 3
allow quick from group clients prefix-set global_black_list_pref set { localpref 1 community delete NO_ADVERTISE ext-community delete $INTCOMM_PREF_OK_ROA ext-community delete $INTCOMM_ROUTE_OK_WL ext-community delete $INTCOMM_PREF_OK_ARINDB ext-community delete $INTCOMM_PREF_OK_REGISTROBRDB ext-community delete $INTCOMM_ORIGIN_OK ext-community delete $INTCOMM_ORIGIN_KO ext-community delete $INTCOMM_PREFIX_OK ext-community delete $INTCOMM_PREFIX_KO ext-community delete $INTCOMM_IRR_REJECT ext-community delete $INTCOMM_RPKI_UNKNOWN ext-community delete $INTCOMM_RPKI_INVALID ext-community delete $INTCOMM_RPKI_VALID ext-community delete $INTCOMM_NO_EXPORT ext-community delete $INTCOMM_NO_ADVERTISE community 65500:0 large-community 65500:0:0 community 65500:3 large-community 65500:0:3}
Could we perhaps convert it to the following output, as it improves readability and troubleshooting ?
# Prefix: global blacklist
# Reject inbound routes when 'from group clients prefix-set global_black_list_pref' - reject code: 3
allow quick from group clients prefix-set global_black_list_pref set {
localpref 1
community delete NO_ADVERTISE
ext-community delete $INTCOMM_PREF_OK_ROA
ext-community delete $INTCOMM_ROUTE_OK_WL
ext-community delete $INTCOMM_PREF_OK_ARINDB
ext-community delete $INTCOMM_PREF_OK_REGISTROBRDB
ext-community delete $INTCOMM_ORIGIN_OK
ext-community delete $INTCOMM_ORIGIN_KO
ext-community delete $INTCOMM_PREFIX_OK
ext-community delete $INTCOMM_PREFIX_KO
ext-community delete $INTCOMM_IRR_REJECT
ext-community delete $INTCOMM_RPKI_UNKNOWN
ext-community delete $INTCOMM_RPKI_INVALID
ext-community delete $INTCOMM_RPKI_VALID
ext-community delete $INTCOMM_NO_EXPORT
ext-community delete $INTCOMM_NO_ADVERTISE
community 65500:0
large-community 65500:0:0
community 65500:3
large-community 65500:0:3
Thanks in advance
pierky commented
(I've edited the original text to make it more readable.)