
The letters with an acute and a grave accent should switch places

Closed this issue · 5 comments

The sorting order for letters with diacritical marks is disturbing me. The acute accent should precede the grave accent. In french for example, the sorting order for diacritic-modifed e is e, é, è, ê, ë (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alphabet_fran%C3%A7ais). This sorting order is well in line with the European ordering rules (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_ordering_rules). Further, it is common practice to place an acute ó before a grave ò (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diacritic). I guess you are referring to unicode conventions.

Originally posted by @liegepr in #16 (comment)

As for now, I have created a test version, where those accented letters have switched places.

See in the 'Lab Tests and Concepts': https://github.com/pieter-degroote/lab-tests-concepts/tree/master/UltimateKEYS%20-%20Latest
(updated link)

Keyboard layout image:

UltimateKEYS - Keyboard Layout Image

At the moment, I also find it slightly more natural to have the acute accents on the left and the grave accents on the right...

As for now, I doubt a little whether I should copy these changes into the main version, since this is more of a 'major overhaul'. I hope that you enjoy it.

Edit: The 'reported bug' of MSKLC/Windows has been removed, since it only occurred on an obsolete version of Windows 10 (in VirtualBox, without network or internet). The latest version of Windows 10 does not seem to be affected.

Actually, in that case, I am considering to put the current 'main' release into the 'legacy' repository...
That way, users still have the choice to go back, in case they prefer the former version over the latter.

At this time, the latest legacy release is 2.5 years old, having a great number of redundant dead key combinations,... (in my opinion). That means that there would finally be a new release in this repository.

During the past week, I quickly surveyed my friends and family by showing them both the images.
Although they don't use this layout (mostly AZERTY instead in Belgium), the greater majority has a slight or appreciable/significant preference for the ordering "á-à, é-è, í-ì, ó-ò, ú-ù" (over the current placements in EurKEY and this (former) main repository).

I consider to take this into account for UltimateKEYS's future development.

At the time, I am also testing the new pilot version and I experience it as 'slightly more natural'.

Edit: The 'reported bug' of MSKLC/Windows has been removed, since it only occurred on an obsolete version of Windows 10 (in VirtualBox, without network or internet). The latest version of Windows 10 does not seem to be affected.

Now I have created a test version, having the accented letters swapped.
Further on, the bullet (•) now got its place where the ellipsis (…) was, next to the right Shift (the ellipsis is usually typed as three separate dots).

See in the 'Lab Tests and Concepts': https://github.com/pieter-degroote/lab-tests-concepts/tree/master/UltimateKEYS%20-%20Latest

Keyboard layout image:

UltimateKEYS - Keyboard Layout Image

(Note that the Unicode 'horizontal ellipsis' can be typed anyway via: Compose, dot (.), dot (.) or Compose, dot (.), 3)

As for now, these changes have been merged into the latest release:

https://github.com/pieter-degroote/UltimateKEYS/releases   GitHub Release

The former version (+ minor update) has now been moved to the legacy repository. :)