
Code of Effective Communication with dynamic feature compression

Primary LanguagePython

Code for Effective and Semantic communication

Train the AutoEncoder

Use train_encoder.py to train an autoencdoer where the latent space is quantized using vector quantization

python train_encoder.py \
--num_samples 50000 \
--epochs 100 \
--embedding_dim 64 \
--num_codewords 64 \
--retrain True 
  • if argument --num_samples is given the script will collect a new dataset containing 2 $ \times$ num_samples images.

  • --epochs can be used to indicate the number of epochs to train the AE (default is 100)

  • --embedding_dim can be used to choose the size of the latent features (default is 64)

  • --num_codewords can be used to decide how many codewords there are in the codebook (default is 64)

  • --rertrain can be set to False to avoid retraining (default is True) the encoder and decoder and just obtain a new quantizer



python train_encoder.py \
--num_samples 50000 \
--epochs 100 \
--embedding_dim 64 \
--num_codewords 64 \
--retrain True 

the first time to create the dataset, train the encoder, the quantizer and the decoder.


python train_encoder.py \
--epochs 100 \
--embedding_dim 64 \
--num_codewords 32 \
--retrain False

to obtain a new quantizer with 32 codewords without retraining the encoder and the decoder.

Each run encoder, quantizer and decoder will be saved in the folder models respectively as:

  • encoder.pt
  • quantizer_K.pt
  • decoder.pt

where K = num_codewords for the quantizer selceted.

Train the policy with fixed quantization

After the AE has been trained it is possible to train the policy of the receiver (using a fixed quantization strategy at the transmitter). Use train_policy.py to train the policy. To run the function requires that in the models folder there are:

  • encoder.pt
  • quantizer_K.pt (a quantizer with the desired number of codewords)

example of how to use the function train_policy.py:

python train_policy.py --num_codewords 64

This command will train a policy using the quantizer_64.pt as the quantizer at the sensor side. The policty will be saved in the models folder as policy_64.pt

Train the regressor to obtain semantic performance

To train a regressor at the receiver to recontruct the physical state of the system, the script train_regerssor.py can be used as follows

python train_regeressor.py --num_codewords 64

This will train and save an object of type PhysicalValueRegressor which implements Pytorch RNN.

Obtaining 3 Levels of communication

At this point, we can learn a policy at the Sensor side in order to select the most suitable quantizer to ecode the current observation. Note that the transmitter policy can be trained in order to maximize three different performance metrics at the receiver which correspond respectively to:

  • Technical problem (Level A)
  • Semantic problem (Level B)
  • Effectiveness problem (Level C)

use the train_sensor.py script to train a policy at the sensor side. Here is an example of how to use it:

python train_sensor.py \
--num_episodes 100000 \
--level C \
--beta 0.1

In this case, the sensor policy will be trained (for 100000 episodes) to maximize the performance at Level C using a trade-off parameter $\beta = 0.1$.

The models will be saved in the models folder as sensor_policy_levelC_beta0.1.pt.

Test the communication system

The performance plots can be obtained by testing each level with each $\beta$ value. It is suggested to test the system averaging at least over 500 episodes to reduce variance due to random initializations.

To obtain the colormaps which describe choices of the transmitter policy with respect to the control actions at the reciever, use the script plot_gradients.py as follows:

python plot_gradient.py \
--retrain True

changing the name of the model that is loaded in the script with the one to be used for testing.

To obtain the plot of the sensor action distribution with respect to the entropy of the poloicy at the receiver use the script plot_entropy.py as follows:

python plot_entropy.py --t_lag 3

this command will produce the colormap corresponding to the t_lag time specified (in this case 3).

Further details

All the scripts are based on the python gym library and the pytorch library for the neural networks. In principle it is possible to use any environment that is compatible with the gym library. All the training scripts should work straight away. However, the plots scripts might require some changes in order to work with different environments.

All the models are defined in the nn_models folder and can be easily modified.

In utils/rl_utils.py it is possible to implement other RL algorithms (e.g. PPO, DDPG, etc.) to train the policies. Two algorithms are already implemented:

  • Deep Q-Learning
  • Advantage Actor Critic (A2C)