
mention dependency on django-htmlmin

bbbart opened this issue · 3 comments


Thank you for this plugin, it's really very helpful.

However, after installing it, it didn't work straight away for me. I kept on getting the error that htmlmin.minify couldn't be found. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41113011/importerror-no-module-named-htmlmin-minify helped me in figuring out that django-htmlmin had to be installed as well.

Perhaps it's possible to list this as a dependency to get it automatically installed when adding this plugin to Lektor?

Thanks again for this plugin!

Thanks for opening this issue.

I think django_htmlmin is already marked as a dependency?

Hm, yes, apparently it is. I installed it using lektor plugins add lektor-htmlmin, which resulted in a couple of packages to get installed at the next build, but django-htmlmin wasn't one of them.

Perhaps a lektor problem then?

Or I should have installed the plugin using pip and then manually added it to the .lektorproject-file?

I just tested this with a fresh Lektor install and it seems to be installing fine. Can you try again?

By the way, it's lektor plugins add lektor-minify, not lektor-htmlmin ;-)