
updating Gradle + hideIndeterminateSlider micro-bug

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thanks for providing this code!.
I'm new to Android Studio and Gradle and I might be doing something wrong.

How should one import this library in Android Studio?

this is how I've done it
I've created a new Glass Module inside my project, I've copied there all the files downloaded from your github repo... but when I refresh the build process I got this warning:

Error:(14, 0) Build script error, unsupported Gradle DSL method found: 'release()'!

Which I've solved with this gradle syntax change
and updating

     compileSdkVersion "Google Inc.:Glass Development Kit Preview:19"
     buildToolsVersion "19.1"

I've also found a micro bug in SliderView.hideIndeterminateSlider
problem: when you call it, the indeterminate slide effectively disappears but for some reason, which I couldn't pin point, the normal slider is still visible
To solve this issue I've added this line to the hideIndeterminateSlider

if (paramBoolean) {
            //hide the default slider because for some reason it stays visibile when you hide the indeterminateSlider
            if(this.slider.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE || this.sliderShowing) hideSlider(true);
            // ...your other code to animate the slider out here

Is this method still relevant or is there another method now to implement the progress bar in Glass?

thanks in advance