
Details Toggle Translation

ochan12 opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
When creating a poll/draft poll, the top right toggle doesn't translate

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Go to 'My polls'
  2. Create a new or open a draft
  3. You'll see the top right toggle has the Details text even when changing languages

Expected behaviour
It should be on the user preferred language


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: MacOS
  • Browser : Chrome
  • Version [e.g. 22]

Additional context
I see that the the text is supposed to be translated, but the entry doesn't exist on any of the json translation files.

<span style="color: white" [innerHtml]="'details'|translate"></span>

The solution would be to create an entry under draftpoll.details on each language and change the tag to

<span style="color: white" [innerHtml]="'draftpoll.details'|translate"></span>

Thanks for spotting this. Solved by commit 1395c3d directly to main branch.