
Support for Certified Random ⓡ

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Did you ever think about an implementation of the certified random ⓡ ?

The following CITATION file in a hypothetical package in "foo/inst/"...

  bibtype  = "Manual",
  title    = "A Fun New R package",
  author   = "Vicco von Bülow, ⓡ Charlie Chaplin",
  year     = "2024",
  note 	   = "R package version 1.0",

...gives me following output from citation("foo"):

To cite package ‘foo' in publications use:

von Bülow V, Chaplin ⓡC (2024). A Fun New R package. R package version 1.0.

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is

    title = {A Fun New R package},
    author = {Vicco {von Bülow} and ⓡ Charlie Chaplin},
    year = {2024},
    note = {R package version 1.0},

In BibTex it's usually implemented with \textcircled{r}...

Interesting! How popular is this symbol? Or perhaps more importantly, how common is alphabetical authorship (can't remember ever seeing it in the research environments I've worked in)?

From Waltman (2012)

There turn out to be four subject categories with more than 50% intentionally alphabetical publications. These subject categories are ‘Mathematics’, ‘Business, finance’, ‘Economics’, and ‘Physics, particles & fields’.