
Extend Y-Scales to Zero?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

  • The all new functions with a scales argument have "free_y" as a default.


Maybe it is worthwhile to extend y-axes to zero by default, or at least give the option to do so (using ggplot2::expand_limits(). It makes judging relative changes easier. @robertpietzcker might have feelings on this topic, too.

Yes, I do have strong feelings! :-)
Thanks for making this connection, Michaja!

@chroetz We had discussed in a REMIND meeting sometime last year that we want the default setting to be that all plots always go down to zero, for the reason Michaja gave: when they all go to 0, it is much easier to quickly scan a large number of plots and identify which ones need specific attention, compared to a situation where the scale only depends on whether the plotted data is flat vs increasing/decreasing (and in the first case zooming in).

That makes sense! I will implement the necessary changes

I haven't seen any plots that do not start at 0. But I use ylim(0, NA) which I will change to expand_limits(y = 0) as suggested by @0UmfHxcvx5J7JoaOhFSs5mncnisTJJ6q

ylim(0, NA) and expand_limits(y = 0) are functionally identical (I think).
This was triggered by the scales = 'free_y' default, which would have cause strange axes, hadn't you reigned that in already. 50 DKP for you!