
Fossil carbon intensity of fuels in buildings contains also indirect emissions

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Fossil carbon intensity of fuels in buildings contains also indirect emissions

Which variables are related to this issue? This might be intended this way

setNames(tmp[,,"Emi|CO2|Buildings|Direct and Indirect (Mt CO2/yr)"] / output[,,"FE|Buildings|Fuels (EJ/yr)"], "FE|Buildings|Fossil Carbon Intensity of fuels (kg CO2/GJ)"),

Since FE|Transport|Fossil Carbon Intensity of fuels uses Emi|CO2|Transport|Demand and FE|Industry|Fossil Carbon Intensity of fuels uses Emi|CO2|Energy|Demand|Industry|Gross maybe FE|Buildings|Fossil Carbon Intensity of fuels should use Emi|CO2|Buildings|Direct? I might be wrong though

You ought to know ;)

But for "Carbon Intensity of fuels" I would expect that upstream emissions from electricity and heat are not included, since they are not fuels.