
How to reset the form after submit and keep the validation

felipe-muner opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello my friends...

I'm using vue-composable and everything is going well I did many different forms following the explanation..

My issue is how could I reset the form and keep the validation(very important)...

when i follow the code:

function buildValidation(){
  return useValidation({....})

const form = ref(buildValidation());

function submit(){
 form.value = buildValidation()

it works fine

but I don't know how to print the errors if some of them are invalid.

I had this before to print the errors:

   const errorMessage = field =>
   form[field].$dirty && form[field].$anyInvalid ? form[field].$errors[0] : ''
   <v-field type="is-danger" label="Name" :message="errorMessage('name')" for="name">
      <v-input type="text" id="name" v-model="form.name.$value" />

but I still don't know how to combine it...

thank you in advance

pikax commented

Added $touch/$reset functions which will allow you to update the $dirty

The $dirty change will only happen once, after $reset() it won't work anymore.

const dirtyWatch = watch(
() => {
$dirty.value = true;
{ immediate: false, deep: true }