
Can't access hidden SSID on first boot + doc ambiguity

Sazerak opened this issue · 5 comments

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This morning I tried getting PiKVM setup on a WiFi network (fresh install) but could not get it to work. While I didn't have the means to connect to the console to troubleshoot more, I'm thinking the issue is likely that the SSID is hidden. According to the docs HERE, there needs to be an option added to connect to a hidden SSID. However, there is no mention of if/how this can be done on first boot through the pikvm.txt file. Has anyone tried connecting to a hidden SSID on first boot and had success?

Also, on the note of WiFi settings for first boot, I feel that the docs are a bit ambiguous. The docs HERE mention that The parameters must be specified strictly each on a separate line. However, some parameters in the docs have been grouped together in a single line (for example ETH_ADDR=, ETH_DNS=, ETH_GW= It's unclear whether these should be kept together in a single line and considered a single parameter, or whether they should be divided into separate lines. My understanding is that they should be separated, but I believe it could be good to make this more clear in the docs.

I'm trying to figure out this exact solution. Have you had any luck?

Edit (I previously made this edit but forgot to save):

It looks like the code is only setting a few options from the pikvm.txt file: https://github.com/pikvm/kvmd/blob/2bebbd93196101ef47e2901e6f334119f02681e1/scripts/kvmd-bootconfig#L195-L207

I've added option WIFI_HIDDEN=1 for this. But to use it you will need to reflash the image. Images will be ready after ~2 hours. Also fixed the doc.

I've added option WIFI_HIDDEN=1 for this. But to use it you will need to reflash the image. Images will be ready after ~2 hours. Also fixed the doc.

Thanks for taking care of this, it's greatly appreciated!


I've added option WIFI_HIDDEN=1 for this. But to use it you will need to reflash the image. Images will be ready after ~2 hours. Also fixed the doc.

Wow, thank you for adding that! I really appreciate your quick turn around time.