
Add Support for Arbitrary Keyboard Layouts to Text Paste Function in Pi-KVM

rpdelaney opened this issue · 0 comments

The current implementation of the text paste function in PiKVM supports a limited set of keyboard layouts. This limitation can be an accessibility obstacle for users who rely on non-standard keyboard layouts.

Proposed Solution

The feature request is to extend the text paste function to support arbitrary user-defined keyboard layouts.

Adding support for arbitrary keyboard layouts will significantly improve the accessibility of PiKVM, particularly for users who rely on non-standard keyboard layouts due to personal preference, accessibility needs, or regional requirements. In turn, that will make PiKVM more inclusive and user-friendly.

Alternatives Considered

An alternative solution could be to expand the list of supported keyboard layouts in the text paste function. However, this approach may not cover all possible keyboard layouts and would require continuous updates to accommodate new layouts. Therefore, a more flexible and scalable solution is to support user self-service.