
Host reboot and getting into BIOS

mikrofyr opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
Problem to get keyboard and mouse to work during restart of host.
Have to click the "reset HID" button to get mouse/keyboard connection back after host restart.
If i time it right I can get it available to press del during POST for BIOS.
The mouse/keyboard icon turs red during host restart that indicates connection lost.

Zero issues with video.

To Reproduce

  1. Establish connection to piKVM in browser
  2. Restart host
  3. Press del repeatedly to go into BIOS
  4. Keyboard does not work, try again

Expected behavior
Keyboard shoud work at host reboot.
Workaround is "reset hid" with correct timing

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows and Linux
  • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]

PiKVM info:

Additional context
I have seen similar issues reported, but not sure if it is the same as this.
This bug makes the device inconveniant to use, but not a blocker.

PS: Really nice device overall

Hi, can you join Discord to discuss further? Please mention this issue.

most of the linux can simple do this command to restart to UEFI
systemctl reboot --firmware-setup

windows have different approach but it is able to boot to UEFI from windows as well.

the root cause of your problem should be related to some legacy USB support bla bla bla inside you BIOS. depend on you motherboard you may find some manual from your mobo manufacturer.

Hi, have you resolved this issue yet or joined Discord to discuss this further?

Moving all support questions to discord.