
Video is not streaming to browser from remote network

rgov opened this issue · 3 comments

rgov commented

Describe the bug
Streaming video across Tailscale and the Internet to my browser is not working. Streaming video to another system on the PiKVM's local network is working.

I have a PiKVM attached to a system in a remote location. The PiKVM is connected to the Internet and is running Tailscale.

When I try to access to PiKVM stream over Tailscale, I get no video output in either WebRTC or HTTP streaming modes. I do get a single frame if I use the "Screenshot" function.

If I access a second system on the same network as the PiKVM, and pull open the PiKVM web UI on that system, I do see the target system's video output. (Note in this case I am bypassing Tailscale and use TeamViewer.)

So it seems to be some issue either with the latency of streaming over the Internet, or the use of Tailscale, or both.

I see no errors in my browser console. I do see in the websocket history that there are only a few "binary frames" (presumably video frames) being sent, but the rest of the traffic is just streamer_state packets -- the server seems to stop sending video frames.


  • OS: macOS
  • Browser: Safari
  • Version: 14.4
  • VNC client: None

PiKVM info:

  • Raspberry Pi board version: RPi CM 4
  • PiKVM platform: V4 Mini
  • Video capture type: (as above)
  • KVMD version:
    kvmd 3.329-1
    kvmd-fan 0.30-1
    kvmd-oled 0.27-1
    kvmd-platform-v4mini-hdmi-rpi4 3.333-1
    kvmd-webterm 0.48-1
  • uStreamer version: ustreamer 6.11-1
  • Linux kernel: Linux pikvm 6.6.21-4-rpi #1 SMP Wed Mar 13 20:36:42 UTC 2024 armv7l GNU/Linux
rgov commented

I am able to access the video stream over TigerVNC.

Hi, please join Discord to discuss further, please mention this issue when you join.

This is clearly not a bug, but an installation problem, please use discord for support (if you haven't done it yet)