
Mouse Pad or Bluetooth mouse left click does not register , middle click on the scroller bar for connect mouse registers as left click.

mjahangirbaig opened this issue · 10 comments

Describe the bug
On the Pikvm UI , when using safari or Firefox on iPad Pro 6th Generation (MP630LL/A) iPADOS 17.4.1 when you are using the connect mouse pad or a bluetooth mouse the left click of the mouse pad or connect bluetooth mouse does not register as a left click.

Notices that when I did a middle click on the scroll bar of the connected mouse a left click was registered on PiKVM screen.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior, like:

  1. Go to 'PIKVM UI connect to a machine on Safari or Firefox on iPad Pro iPADOS 17.4.1'
  2. Use a Bluetooth mouse pad or any bluetooth connect mouse
  3. Do a left click anywhere on the screen the left click does not register , instead if you do a scroll bar middle click a left click is registered

Expected behavior
When a left click is made on the iPad it should register as a left click

IMG_5800 2

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: iPADOS 17.4.1
  • Browser safari or Mozilla Firefox for IPAD
  • Version : Firefox 125.2 / Safari version bundled with iPAD OS 17.4.1

PiKVM info:

  • Raspberry Pi board version :RPi 4 using HAT V3
  • PiKVM platform : RPi 4 HAT v3 BOX Preactivated
  • Video capture type : 1080p CSI2 with audio
  • KVMD version: kvmd 3.329-1, kvmd-fan 0.30-1, kvmd-oled 0.27-1, kvmd-platform-v3-hdmi-rpi4 3.329-1, kvmd-webterm 0.48-1
  • uStreamer version: 6.9-1
  • Linux kernel: Linux pikvm 6.6.21-4-rpi #1 SMP Wed Mar 13 20:36:42 UTC 2024 armv7l GNU/Linux

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

I am informed that there is no such problem on 17.2, so it may be a bug in Safari. Also, can you turn off the keyboard to check if the problem persists? Leave only the mouse.

Same behavior without the keyboard and just the mouse connected, also I tried this on Firefox as well had the same behavior.

On iOS Firefox (like any other browser) uses Safari engine, so the bug will persist on all browsers.

I attempted to repo this and wasn't able to. I tried this on 17.2 and 17.4. In both instances mouse was working with the left click using the v3 HAT.

Same happens to me if I use my iPhone for pikvm with a mouse connected. Middle mouse registers as a left click

I am unable to reproduce this issue on an iPhone or iPad, I would suggest activating VNC and using a vnc client like bVNC or Jump as I feel this offers a better user experience for mobile use. There is talk of a web refresh but I am unable to provide an ETA at this time, perhaps at that time, this will resolve the issue.

I've tested in on iPad Pro. Left and right mouse buttons are working, but the middle button acts as the left one.

I found this: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/254458713

I've done some research. It looks like this is some kind of fundamental problem with iOS or the Safari engine. It interprets any additional mouse button except the right one as the left one, this also works for the side buttons. I'm sorry, but I can't fix it in any way, it's beyond the capabilities of client-side JS.

I didn't try, but iPad and iPhone uses the pretty same browser engine. This can't be fixed either, because we process clicks the way the browser tells us to. That is, the Web UI does not work with the mouse directly.