
Cannot access pikvm Ethernet Connection failed Linux Mint 20.3

greereer opened this issue · 2 comments

I follow the guidance in the first steps using a proven ethernet cable and outlet, pikvm powers on and ethernet shows connection.

On my computer I get wired connection failed, cannot find pikvm on arp scan, no connection to IP address on browser nor SSH.

System details:
Linux Mint 20.3
Kernel: 5.15.0-105-generic

Desired output: I can access pikvm by web browser via IP address or pikvm

I have try reinstall pikvm image, verified at all times OLED comes on as well and shows interface eth0

Thank you in advance for the help.

Hi, since you are having connection issues, I would ask that you please join Discord and show screen shots on how you have this all wired up.

We are moving all support questions to discord. Please, if this issue has not been resolved yet, contact there for support.