This software aims to help with trigeminal neuralgia disorder but it can be extended to other persistent pain neuropathies.
Every time a neuralgia patient has pain it can be registered via app/API with parameters such as date and time, how painful it was in a rank of 1 to 10, if meds have been taken or not and the area. Notes can also be added to complement the context: "I took the meds 2 hours ago", "while eating", "while using floss".
Patients can show their specialist doctor the data gathered, study the impact of external factors, see timelines, etc.
With all this inside a database students, Doctors, investigators and so can use it in many ways. Who knows, maybe patters are discovered using big data and this terrible sickness is finally beaten up.
🐍 Python3.7, Django 2.1 and DjangoREST 3.9.1
Prepared for a "db.sqlite3" database.
Make a virtualenv or a docker and then in the command line:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser and set a user/password
python manage.py runserver
The project won't run if SECRET_KEY is not set to a value in the settings.py file. You can set it to a random value.
Users need to be registered, for now, as superusers.
In the settings set the secret_key value to something or Django won't run.
Visit the home url with a browser or try this on a command shell:
curl -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' -u superusername:superuserpasss
Some requests made with httpie: And see all Or see a detail
http Accept:application/json
# Request JSON
http Accept:text/html
# Request HTML
Or by appending a format suffix:
# Browsable API suffix
http --json POST
http --json POST
note="example" area="VR1"
Type httpie -v
for more help.
An example of a response in JSON format:
"model": "data_api.hit",
"pk": 1,
"fields": {
"created": "2019-02-26T18:23:19.516Z",
"triggered_by": "eating",
"area": "VL3",
"note": "note1",
"rank": 5,
"meds": true,
"owner": 1
Can be found at data/api/tests folder.
Usin Travis for CI.
Run them with coverage run --source="./data_api" manage.py test data_api && coverage report
- Users separated app -> Oauth desirable
- A front client, desirable Vue.js
- A mobile client, flutter?
- When so is done, the API should also register extra phone parameteres
- Graphs, maybe 3DS or HighCharts. Timelines are interesting
- Improve the areas where pain can hit. See data_api/models
- Deploy on gCloud
- Features welcome