

Opened this issue · 8 comments

renamed this repo to discussions and forked badgeboard to pillarjs. realized afterwards that i could've just pulled from badgeboard, but whatever. nice to have "forked from" at the top left.

there's no need to migrate issues just yet, but we should open new ones in pillarjs.github.io like we do with jshttp and eventually delete this repo

one thing to note about forked repos: all commits to a forked repo that are not merged back into the original repo do not count in your contributions graph on your profile page in github :)

that's one reason why i like forks haha make me look less like a maniac

i like the badgeboard forking mainly because you can go to the badgeboard github and view the "network" to see everyone who is using badgeboard, actually.

and view the "network" to see everyone who is using badgeboard

And also everybody who forked badgeboard, made pull request and forgot it ever existed.

Looking at joyent/node for example, I doubt people have 7068 different versions of it. :)

@jonathanong , now we have two repos for discussions, that's confusing.

migrate to the other one.

same thing for jshttp to get "forked from" thingy?

meh i don't think it's worth it since we have so many issues and custom stuff already