
Request : Intertechno Shutterswitch CMR500

leader21 opened this issue · 3 comments

Since there is no protocol for shutter switches I'm requesting these here now.
I'm operating 6 blinds with these switches actually over pilight-plugin.
Here's the shutterdevice : http://www.intertechno.at/produkte/empfaenger/jalousien/CMR-500.html
and here's the manual : http://www.intertechno.at/medien/produkte/empfaenger/jalousien/manual-CMR-500.pdf
in pilight this screen protocol is described here (if this helps) http://wiki.pilight.org/doku.php/arctech_screen_old

Well, there are pimatic Intertechno protocols aIready developed for usual on/off switches.
I tried to embed a switch device as follows, just to see if the protocol works and will switch the device (what it actually does!):

        "id": "shutterswitch-test",
        "name": "Rolladenschalter Test",
        "class": "HomeduinoRFSwitch",
        "protocol": "switch4",
        "protocolOptions": {
        "id": 26,
        "unit": 29

so this creates just a normal on/off button at the gui. the button can switch one outlet of the shutterswitch on/off. with this i can switch the device but not as it should, 'cause i can't switch on/off for each outlet separtely.

then i created a buttonsdevice for switching the outlets 1 (on) and 2 (off) as follows :

        "id": "rolladenbuttons-testschalter",
        "name": "Rolladen Test",
        "class": "ButtonsDevice",
        "buttons": [
          "id": "testrolladen-rauf",
          "text": "Rauf"
          "id": "testrolladen-runter",
          "text": "Runter"

(for explanation - rauf is up and runter is down)

both devices are looking like that in the gui :

I'm having a wall switch here (ywt8500) with this i can switch the device up and down by pressing either up (on) or down (off) as it usually should be.
so i thought creating a buttonsdevice with two buttons like up and down and rule to operate the device when button up or down is pressed could solve the problem but it doesn't.
My thought was very simple - pressing the up button on the wallswitch ywt8500 will raise the shutter - so it switches power to outlet 1. pressing the up button on the wallswitch again will shut off power on outlet 1 at the shutterswitch. so a rule like "if testrolladen-rauf is pressed then switch shutterswitch-test on" and "if testrolladen-runter is pressed then switch shutterswitch-test off" just switches the device on and off, but only the outlet that has been switched by the wallswitch before!
so if i press up on the wallswitch i can switch outlet 1 on. now i can switch the shutterswitch on outlet 1 with my pimatic rule or with the buttonsdevice rauf or runter for on/off. if i press the down button on the wallswitch, i can switch the outlet 2 on the shutter device on or off.

so what i now tried, I pressed up on the wallswitch - the outlet 1 will be powered. then i press the "rauf" on my buttons device in the gui so the rule is switching the shutterdevice on (since this is like pressing up on the wallswitch for switching on) - the shutterdevice powers off on outlet 1.
This experiment will work vice versa - if pressing down on the wallswitch, outlet 2 is powered, pressing the down button on the gui, the rule switches off and the device powers off on outlet 2.

it seems that the switch is "remembering" the last button pressed on the wall switch somehow. when i am pressing the buttons up and down on the gui i can only switch on and off on that outlet that has been switched before with the wallswitch.

so to cut a long story short - the protocol exists and is working but needs to be adapted to the screen/shutter application somehow.

hope this wasn't too confusing at all ... ?!?

pimatic-homeduino 0.8.20 with shutter device support (see readme example) is ready for testing. You can use any switch protocol with it. Could you test it?

it's like magic :) the shutterswitch now does exactly what it's made for!
works very well!! now i'll quit pilight ^^
thanks a lot !!!

Very nice :)