
Input Field with Show Character Count and no Style Width Has Zero Width

Opened this issue · 1 comments

An Input field set to show character count but w/o setting a width in the style field will render with zero width:

return Ext.create("Ext.Panel", {
cls: "object_field object_field_type_" + this.type,
style: "margin-bottom: 10px",
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'left'
items: [

Something like width: input.width - input.labelWidth needs to be passed to the Panel constructor.
The text box can be fixed with:
However this width also needs to subtract the labelWidth:

var charCount = Ext.create("Ext.Panel", {
bodyStyle: '',
margin: '0 0 0 0',
bodyCls: 'char_count',
width: input.width,
height: 17

This mostly works:

        if(this.fieldConfig.showCharCount) {
            var charCount = Ext.create("Ext.Panel", {
                bodyStyle: '',
                margin: '0 0 0 0',
                bodyCls: 'char_count',
                width: input.width - input.labelWidth,
                height: 17

            this.component.setStyle("margin-bottom", "0");
            this.component.addListener("change", function(charCount) {
                this.updateCharCount(this.component, charCount);
            }.bind(this, charCount));

            //init word count
            this.updateCharCount(this.component, charCount);

            return Ext.create("Ext.Panel", {
                cls: "object_field object_field_type_" + this.type,
                style: "margin-bottom: 10px",
                layout: {
                    type: 'vbox',
                    align: 'left'
                width: input.width - input.labelWidth,
                items: [


Though the box is slightly clipped:

Thanks a lot for reporting the issue. We did not consider the issue as "Pimcore:Priority", "Pimcore:ToDo" or "Pimcore:Backlog", so we're not going to work on that anytime soon. Please create a pull request to fix the issue if this is a bug report. We'll then review it as quickly as possible. If you're interested in contributing a feature, please contact us first here before creating a pull request. We'll then decide whether we'd accept it or not. Thanks for your understanding.