
Pimcore doesn't allow to sort children by index

simonittensammer opened this issue · 2 comments

Pimcore Version 11.4.1
admin-ui-classic-bundle Version 1.6.1

I selected "sort children by -> index (manual)" on the parent. When i try to drag and drop a dataobject to any other position under the parent, the following error is thrown:
The element cannot be dragged on a paginated tree/folder with manual indexing (Sort by index). Please change the sorting method or use "Search & Move" option under the "Advanced" context menu of the target to move the elements.


Same issue for our clients which have updated to latest admin-ui-classic-bundle.
Think it is fixed with #722.
Seems like an idea to quickly release a new version as 1.6.1 is completely broken in this regard.

Thank you for reporting!

Closing as resolved, considering it fixed by #722 as also noted by @bramstroker
Feel free to reopen a new issue if the problem still occurs, later today the 1.6.2 would be released.