
Ticks label not showing

manoj-netlings opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi i tried using the ticks labels but they are not showing below the slider . can you please guide me on this @pimlie

The following principle should work:

  <b-form-slider :ticks="my_ticks" :ticks-labels="my_tick_labels"></b-form-slider>

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      my_ticks: [1, 2, 3],
      my_tick_labels: ["One", "Two", "Three"]

If not, could you add an example maybe?

i have tried as you suggested @pimlie but it is not working i have created a plunker too please have a look http://plnkr.co/edit/TIQgp62QymaijzWDOLXT?p=preview

This is a bug indeed, all bootstrap-slider properties that contain a _ are not working. For use in vue those properties have been renamed to camelCase, but when passing them back to bootstrap-slider they are not renamed back from camelCase to snake_case

Thanks for reporting, this should be fixed in v1.1.1

If your plunker is still not working then it has probably cached the @latest js file, if you change that to @1.1.1 it should work. Or at least this did it for me ;)

Thanks it is working now @pimlie