
[Suggestion] A class for "tables"

Closed this issue · 6 comments

There are some use cases (like transit time table, etc), where it is useful to devide the display in to columns. (For example: Line Num, Destination, Remianing Mins)
It would be really cool if this can be done with the flexibility to set L/R-Aligned, and a scroll method for longer stuff (In this case destination)

I did a quick “illustration”, so I can get the point across.
It DOES look great. (At least for me)

PS. Happy long weekend for those are in the UK

That's quite tidy, and potentially useful. It might be worth building as a separate library with an accompanying example, rather than adding too much complexity to the base library though.

Features like auto-scrolling the text would be cool, too.

For UX there's a lot you can do with the 8 custom icons and tidy text placement, too. Plus the character table embedded in the display has boxes, chevrons and other useful tidbits: http://www.lcd-module.de/pdf/doma/dog-m.pdf

Let's see when I have time to write my dodgy python code. :)
I will paste a link here if I manage to start it.

The basics are here. More to come when I have time. :)

The lib is 80% done.
Still need some clean-up and testing with self defined character. (EDIT: And documentation)
Consider transfer owner to the official account?

This is good stuff- is there any way we can bring more attention to this in the Display-o-Tron repo?