
Extreme overheating on USB power with Enviro Weather

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I've been successfully running my enviro weather using batteries using 0.0.9 for several months but I'd like to run it from USB power to prevent having to swap out batteries. However when I plug the USB power in the enviro rapidly heats up yielding temperature readings of 60-70 deg C! This is way beyond the heating issue reported in #134. I'm not sure why its doing this, I've not noticed any issues previously when connecting via USB for file transfer etc... I'm also having trouble running off batteries now - think it's drawing a lot of power and running them down in a few hours. I tried re-flashing the firmware but still the same behaviour. Any advice?

Closing issue - pretty sure the voltage regulator has failed for some reason. Not code related. I'm pretty sure I've not run the board outside the 5.5V rating but whichever 99% sure it's a hardware failure for some reason. Bought a new board... all good again.