
Autocompletion doesn't work for notes o or notes ls

luctus opened this issue · 5 comments


First of all, thank you very much for this tool, it's just awesome. I tried to install the auto-completion package (on Ubuntu) and it works perfectly autocompleting the command names, but not for the file names. Am I missing any configuration?

Thanks in advance

This can happen if $NOTES_DIRECTORY is not proper. does notes ls work for you? or see if
ls $NOTES_DIRECTORY shows all notes.

@luctus Any updates on this? I'd love to fix it if there is an underlying issue here. Do you get any output from notes ls?

I'm going to close this for now. @luctus (or anybody else) feel free to reopen this with more details if you're still having this issue.

baflo commented

Hi, just installed your tool today and it seems awesome!!!

I thought I had an issue with this, too, but actually I found what is working and what is not:

  • notes o my_ does not complete, while notes open my_ does.
  • notes ls my_ does not complete, but that would be very handy.

Good spot, thanks @baflo! I'd happily PRs to add autocomplete for those commands, totally agree that sounds very handy.