v1.2 incorrectly reports a new version is available
athisun opened this issue · 1 comments
v1.2 incorrectly reports that a new version is available because the info.json hosted at http://pinecil.pine64.org/updater/info.json is outdated, reporting v1.1 as the latest version.
Ideally this line would be updated to convert the version string into a float, then make a greater-than comparison to the current version, instead of an inequality check.
if (json["latest_version"].ToDouble() > 1.2) {
Note that this method only works for major-minor versioning. Semantic versioning would require splitting the string by '.' and comparing each version component.
Thank you for reporting, I forget to change version on server.
And this idea with double conversion is very good, I will add it in next version.
Thanks :)