
500 Internal Server Error on invalid password

rsk0 opened this issue · 2 comments

rsk0 commented

When entering username correctly and password wrong, the client browser gets a "500 Internal Server Error" and the logs show:

time="2021-01-28T01:11:03Z" level=warning msg="Failed to authenticate: LDAP Result Code 49 \"Invalid Credentials\": 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C09044E, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 775, v2580\x00" time="2021-01-28T01:11:03Z" level=debug msg="<<< GET /auth 401"

Shouldn't the client be getting a 401 instead of a 500?

Other login failures where the username is wrong give the client a 401:

time="2021-01-28T00:59:49Z" level=warning msg="Failed to authenticate: User does not exist" time="2021-01-28T00:59:49Z" level=debug msg="<<< GET /auth 401"

Hi, thanks for reporting, it certainly looks like a bug and the client shall get 401.

P.S.: While I'll try to work on this, there is no specific timeline to solve this atm, PR, as always, is welcomed. It's just not sth that I personally have issues with so it's not an imminent problem for my scenario, despite it sux and better be fixed.

rsk0 commented

Understood. Thank you for looking into it when you have time.