
Proposed changes to

The-rambunctious-S opened this issue · 0 comments


with regard to

  • writing style
  • content organization
  • grammar

In terms of writing style, these are the things that I propose changes to:

  • Voice: change the passive voice to active. So instead of saying:

As such, a series of courses focused on open source collaboration, rust programming, distributed database and systems are provided.


As such, it provides a series of courses focused on open source collaboration, rust programming, distributed database and systems.

And instead of saying:

Along the way various real-world and practical Rust development subject matter are explored and discussed.


We will explore and discuss various real-world and practical Rust development subject matter along the way.

Justification: See Chicago Manual of Style or Google's developer documentation style guide with regard to preferring active voice over passive.

  • Language: be accurate, specific, and concise. So instead of saying:

Each course is developed independently, so they vary in their presentation and their expectations from course-takers. Please see the individual course documentation for details.

say for example:

Each course is developed by different teams, so they may vary in their organization and learning outcomes. Please see the individual course documentation for details.

Justification: The expression "developed independently" can mean developed by a single person/team/organization or developed without cross-team collaboration. This leaves ambiguity. Also, "expectations from course-takers" comes off as a bit strange, "learning outcome" sounds more natural.

And instead of saying:

real-world and practical Rust development subject matter


real-world Rust development subject matter

Justification: Real-world=practical. There is no need to paraphrase it. See 中式英语之鉴 for more information on eliminating redundancy.

In terms of content organization, these are the things that I propose changes to:

  • Include a brief introduction under level three heading before following it with a course list. So instead of saying:

Series 2: Rust Programming

Two courses are included in this series, which are:

say for example:

Series 2: Rust Programming

This series is core to TALENT-PLAN. It builds your understanding of Rust as a programming language and provides opportunities for you to practice with it. Courses include:

Justification: Change it to match they way content is organized in series 1 and give readers an idea why this series is included.

The same goes for Series 3 and 4. Might as well rearrange content to be more consistent.

In terms of grammar, these are the things that I propose changes to:

  • Use "knowledge" instead of "knowledges". So instead of saying:

It aims to create or combine some open source learning materials for people interested in open source, distributed systems, Rust, Golang, and other infrastructure knowledges.


It aims to create or combine some open source learning materials for people interested in open source, distributed systems, Rust, Golang, and other infrastructure knowledge.

Justification: Knowledge is an uncountable noun and is rarely, if ever, used as countable.

  • Use hyphens in compound pre-modifiers. So instead of saying:

open source related learning mateials


open-source related learning materials

Justification: See hyphen usage on Grammarly and these interesting discussions on Stackexchange: Is it correct to hyphenate with compound premodifiers? If so, where is the hyphen placed?, and Should I use “ related” or “-related”

  • Add a comma before the last item in an embedded list. Also, correct the typo. So instead of saying:

Open source collaboration includes a series of open source related learning mateials to help open source enthusiasts have a basic knowledge of what open source software is, the differences among kinds of open source software licenses, how to participate in open source projects and what a welcoming open source community looks like.


Open source collaboration includes a series of open-source related learning materials to help enthusiasts gain basic knowledge of what open source software is, the differences between existing open-source software licenses, how to participate in open source projects, and what a welcoming open source community looks like.

Justification: See The Elements of Style on comma usage.

Please note that there are yet a few things that are not listed in this issue as I don't want to contaminate this place with a big chunk of grammar. If this looks OK I can submit a pull request which should look a lot more neat. Please let me know if there is anything I can help.