无法批量写入带有 auto_random 主键列的表
liangjihua opened this issue · 1 comments
liangjihua commented
Describe the bug
无法批量写入带有 auto_random 主键列的表, 报错:
org.tikv.common.exception.TiBatchWriteException: table without auto increment column, but data col size 9 != table column size 10
`id` primary key auto_random COMMENT '主键',
`name` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL ,
`age` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL ,
`comment` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL ,
`nick` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL ,
`address` text DEFAULT NULL,
`memo` datetime DEFAULT NULL ,
`remark` text DEFAULT NULL ,
`create_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL ,
`birth` date DEFAULT NULL ,
KEY `idx_dt` (`dt`)
Spark and TiSpark version info
spark: 3.3.1
tispark: 3.3_2.12-3.2.1
liangjihua commented
查看了文档 https://github.com/pingcap/tispark/blob/master/docs/features/datasource_api_userguide.md 说明目前不支持 带有 auto random 列的表