
DEMO: a dataflow diagram editor, powered by bpmn.js and vue.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Other languages: 中文文档

This demo is an integrated dataflow diagram editor. It is built upon customized bpmn-js and Vue.js. You will need Vue.js knowledge to be able to read and understand source code.


  • Visual Editing: edit a dataflow diagram by click, drag and drop. gif
  • Save & Load XML: save & load diagram with nodes data. gif
  • Property & Data Transfer: extendible property panel and data could travel between nodes. gif
  • Animation: display any CSS styles animation on nodes. (implemented in the OLD codebase) gif
  • Seamless Zooming: Zoom in and out canvas soomthly (soomther than original step zooming) gif
  • Mutiple Diagrams: Open and edit mutiple diagrams at the same time. gif

Getting Started

git clone https://github.com/Pingren/BPMNFlowEditor
cd BPMNFlowEditor
yarn & yarn serve


Project Structure

  • [components]
    • [PanelLeft]
      • [index.vue] panel contains panes
      • [PaneDatabase.vue] list style node picker
      • [PaneOperator.vue] tree style node picker
    • [PanelRight]
      • [index.vue] panel contains panes
      • [PaneNodeInfo.vue] node information viewer
      • [PaneProperty.vue] extendible property editor
    • [PanelTop]
      • [index.vue] panel contains buttons for editing, saving, and more
    • [DiagramEditor.vue] containing all the other vue components, responsible for creating diagram object and vuex state during its life cycle
    • [ZoomSlider.vue] slider for zooming diagram
  • [module]
    • [xxx.js...] bpmn.js module, customization documented inside each file
    • [index.js] custom bpmn.js module helper & disable some modules
  • [store]
    • [module.js] vuex reuseable module
    • [index.js] vuex root state, controling dynamic module
  • [App.vue] app entry, containing el-tabs and each tab has a DiagramEditor
  • [Diagram.js] Diagram class
  • [mock.js] mock data from back-end



Diagram is a class representing a dataflow diagram. It creates actual bpmn-js objects and bind them to the instance in its constructor. It provides importXML and exportXML methods, as well as other diagram manipulation methods(e.g. createNode) if needed.

A diagram object is created when a tab, namely DiagramEditor mounted. Then it will be provided/injected to all children. Thus all child vue components can use it to control the diagram.

Diagram also has some "private" methods: evaluateNodeData, evaluateNodeInput, evaluateNodeOutput, etc. They get called inside bpmn-js EventBus handlers, and should not be used outside.

Vuex State

Vuex is needed because some diagram states need to be reactive in vue components. Therefore, each diagram object is accompanied with an vuex state store and keeps track of the store by a key.

This project reuse a same vuex module since there could be mutiple diagrams because of tabs. A vuex module is registered when a tab, namely DiagramEditor created and will be removed before vue components destoryed.

A vuex module contains basic states of diagram such as currentNodeId, isRunning, etc. It also contains three node data model objects: inputModel, transferModel, outputModel.

Node Data Model

Every node have its own property. Properties are stored in the transferModel. User could change property inside the property pane.

A node can also have inputs and outputs, which stored in the inputModel and outputModel. Inputs and outputs depends on node properties, diagram structure and node input & output config:

  • node input config: what and how the collection of a node parents' output (outputModel) are used and transformed into its inputModel.

  • node output config: what and how the property (transferModel) of node, are used and transformed into its outputModel.

Both inputModel, outputModel are updated automatically. Core logic is in the Diagram.js based on a Breadth-First Traversal.

Built With

  • bpmn-js - The main dependency for this project.
  • bpmn-js-cli - a support library to relief development.
  • vue - a progressive framework for building user interfaces.
  • element-ui - a widely used UI Library.


Related Projects & Products

Below are some projects and products utilize a dataflow-like diagram editor:

Old Version

The code was refactored and had major changes. You can check old version on branch archive-codebase. Please NOTE its design and structure is quite different from current master branch.


None for now. Issues and Suggestions are welcome!