"WheelCurvedPicker" does not exist
subhashisrouth opened this issue · 12 comments
Giives Error: "WheelCurvedPicker" does not exist
Plz Help.
Hello. Can you provide steps to reproduce?
Did you run react-native link
after installing package?
I have performed following steps:
npm i react-native-wheel-datepicker --save
react-native link react-native-wheel-datepicker
Is it working in example provided with package for you?
I can't reproduce this error
this is error actual on Android platform
@jslby I'm using this package on Android with success. Check provided example or provide your own code example.
i'm facing the same problem. is this solved?
@faisal2173 to solve the problem I need code example.
Same issue, has anyone got the solution?
Steps to reproduce:
- Installed: npm i react-native-wheel-datepicker --save
- Linked: react-native link react-native-wheel-datepicker
Also, when I tried to re-run the app by react-native run-android, build successful but I am ending up with the following error:
**Error type 3
Error: Activity class {com.***mobileapp/com.**mobileapp.MainActivity} does not exist.
I same issue, when I used 2 linked into my app
As a workaround you can manually import package in MainApplication.java
just add import com.zyu.ReactNativeWheelPickerPackage;
and ReactNativeWheelPickerPackage
to the getPackages()
what about project using expo? I am also facing the same issue.