
[JOURNAL] Week 2

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I Learned about:

  1. Security --
    wallet-token: for each individual wallet
    api-key: for protecting access to server

  2. What is nodegyp?
    It is used to compile code in C for being used in JS

  3. Raspberry pie --
    small single board 35$ computer which can be used to run bitcoin-core

  4. What is jq?
    command-line JSON processor

  5. how does bwallet-cli work with bcoin full node?
    We add bcoin-wallet server as a plugin to the bcoin full node. Bcoin-wallet and bcoin-node are wrappers around http requests.

  6. what does onetry do?
    Add → adds to host list,
    remove → removes from host lis
    onetry → tries to connect to given node

  7. Double spending
    Interesting how we can invalidate blocks and perform reorgs.

  8. Why did we use 150BTC to test double spending?

  9. How did we broadcast a tx hash without the actual transaction?

Good stuff! For 9. you might be mistaken (or maybe I misspoke in the guide...) we did have the actual transaction, in hex. That wasn't just the hash we broadcasted!