
ARM build

paskal opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello there, thanks again for the image!

Could you please publish ARM builds alongside the existing AMD64 ones? Here is the instruction, and here is what the build might look like:

docker buildx build --pull --platform linux/arm64,linux/amd64 -t pink33n/html-to-pdf --push .

Nevermind, it fails:

docker-compose run build-pdf

----  Environment info

Workdir: /workspace
NodeJS: 16.14.0
Static: 0.7.9

---  Starting static webserver

Port: 80
Root: /workspace

---  Running render: chrome-headless-render-pdf --chrome-binary=/usr/local/bin/chrome-wrapper --url file:///workspace/verhoturov.html --pdf verhoturov.pdf --scale 0.90

[serve] > serving "/workspace" at
[render] > Using /usr/local/bin/chrome-wrapper
[render] > Waiting for chrome to became available
[render] > Chrome stopped (139)
[render] > (chrome) (out) Running chrome using: /usr/bin/chromium-browser --no-sandbox --headless --disable-gpu --disable-web-security -–allow-file-access-from-files --headless --remote-debugging-port=49170 --disable-gpu
[render] > (chrome) (out)
[render] > (chrome) (err) /usr/local/bin/chrome-wrapper: line 10:    56 Segmentation fault      $CMD
[render] > (chrome) (err)