
Pino's forrmater can't apply to elasticsearch

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I'm learning about hapi and elasticsearch. When I try to map IP to location with Pino, I have some problem.

I use formatter for create new field (
When I use hapi-pino to print formatted log on console, it worked ok.
However, I send formatted log to elasticsearch, I don't see new field when I access routes of hapi (new field still appear when sever init)


"use strict";

const Pino = require('pino');
const HapiPino = require('hapi-pino');
const PinoElasticsearch = require('pino-elasticsearch');
const { LOG_TYPE } = require('../../config.log');

module.exports = {
    name: "app-pino",
    async register(server) {

        if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test') {
            const { LOG_HOST, LOG_PORT, LOG_USERNAME, LOG_PASSWORD, LOG_INDEX } = process.env;
            const streamToElastic = PinoElasticsearch({
                index: LOG_INDEX,
                consistency: 'one',
                node: `http://${LOG_USERNAME}:${LOG_PASSWORD}@${LOG_HOST}:${LOG_PORT}`,
                'bulk-size': 200,
                'es-version': 7

            const formatters = {

                    return {
                        newField: "Leo

            const logger =
                LOG_TYPE === 'elasticsearch'
                    ? Pino({ formatters }, streamToElastic)
                    : Pino({ formatters,  prettyPrint: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' });

            await server.register({
                plugin: HapiPino,
                options: {
                    logPayload: true,
                    redact: {
                        paths: ['req.headers', 'payload.user.password', 'payload.file'],
                        remove: true
                    instance: logger,
                    mergeHapiLogData: true


Log on elasticsearch


Thanks so much

@delvedor Hope you reply me soon, thanks

@delvedor I need fixing this issue to complete my assignment :( so I hope you reply as soon as possible.
Thanks so much

Hello, I'm currently on vacation and I don't have time to look into this.
It would be great to have a small example to reproduce the issue.
The code you have posted it's not enough, you should add the Elasticsearch mappings as well as an example of what you are expecting.