
Question regarding creating transport pipeline

rluvaton opened this issue · 3 comments

In the docs the following code example is shown for Creating a transport pipeline

import build from 'pino-abstract-transport'
import { pipeline, Transform } from 'stream'
export default async function (options) {
  return build(function (source) {
    const myTransportStream = new Transform({
      // Make sure autoDestroy is set,
      // this is needed in Node v12 or when using the
      // readable-stream module.
      autoDestroy: true,

      objectMode: true,
      transform (chunk, enc, cb) {

        // modifies the payload somehow
        chunk.service = 'pino'

        // stringify the payload again
    pipeline(source, myTransportStream, () => {})
    return myTransportStream
  }, {
    // This is needed to be able to pipeline transports.
    enablePipelining: true
  1. Why objectMode: true and not writableObjectMode: true? as we read object from source but we write string
  2. Why need to call pipeline if the worker-pipeline.js already does that:
    pipeline(stream, ...streams, function (err) {
    if (err && err.code !== 'ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE') {
    ee.emit('error', err)

Why objectMode: true and not writableObjectMode: true? as we read object from source but we write string

backward compatibility and good habits. Those did not exist some time ago.

Why need to call pipeline if the worker-pipeline.js already does that:

because A Duplex is created:
