
[Question] How can I use redaction with a transport?

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I have the following setup with logtail:

let logger = pino({
  redact: {
    // these are just clutter
    paths: ['pid', 'hostname'],
    remove: true

  logger = pino.transport({
    target: "@logtail/pino",
    options: {
      sourceToken: LOGTAIL_SOURCE_TOKEN,

I am wondering how I can use the redaction feature with the transport. Is there a place I can pass in the options?

Additionally, I was wondering how can I could make all calls to the logger

  1. log to a place like logtail
  2. log to the terminal using a pretty syntax (instead of JSON)

This is what I came up with, will see if it works:

type PinoOpts = Parameters<typeof pino>[0] & { transport: TransportMultiOptions & { targets: TransportTargetOptions[] } }

const opts: PinoOpts = {
  redact: {
    // these just cause clutter
    paths: ["pid", "hostname"],
    remove: true,
  transport: {
    targets: []

    level: "trace",
    target: "@logtail/pino",
    options: {
      sourceToken: LOGTAIL_SOURCE_TOKEN,

  level: "trace",
  target: "@mgcrea/pino-pretty-compact",
  options: {
    translateTime: "HH:MM:ss Z",

looks great!